EIT Health

EIT Health InnoStars RIS Innovation 2022 Call

Funding of high-quality, early-stage healthcare projects in the proof-of-concept phase, which target EIT Health’s six Focus Areas and to be developed by local actors including both business and academic/research/healthcare institutions.

Title of the funding project: Miniaturised sensor for monitoring and prevention of airborne inflicted diseases

Partners: Jozef Stefan Institute and Nanotul d.o.o.

Local EIT Health RIS Hub: Ljubljana University Incubator

Project abstract: We are developing a tool for the detection of nanoparticles in air in a size range, which also covers the size of the coronavirus. Currently, hospitals and care institutions do not have any cheap and miniaturized instrument to control the quality (i.e. aerosol concentration) of indoor air. Therefore, extensive and expensive air filtration systems, disinfection and/or air exchangers are used without knowing the actual state. In particular, in nursing homes and health care institutions the fast spread of the coronavirus was assigned to air condition systems. A detector for nanoparticles would be a useful tool to prevent such events in future. The sensor principle is innovative and patent protected by US patent (US 9,151,724 B2). We are the owners of the IPR.

Schematic presentation of the detection principle.

Figure: Schematic presentation of the detection principle.

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